The information provided in this registration form is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
I understand and agree to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines governing suppliers and business operations in India.
I have the necessary licenses, permits, and approvals required to conduct the business activities mentioned in this registration form, and I undertake to maintain the validity of these documents throughout the duration of our business relationship.
I commit to conducting business in an ethical and responsible manner, adhering to principles of fair trade, transparency, and integrity.
I acknowledge that any misrepresentation or omission of material facts in this registration form may result in the termination of our business relationship and may subject me to legal action.
I understand that providing false information or engaging in fraudulent activities may lead to penalties, including but not limited to fines, legal sanctions, and blacklisting from future business opportunities.
I authorize the company/entity requesting this registration to verify the information provided herein through appropriate means, including but not limited to background checks, reference checks, and site inspections.
I agree to promptly inform the company/entity of any changes to the information provided in this registration form and to provide updated documentation as necessary.
I understand that this declaration forms a binding agreement between myself and the company/entity requesting this registration.