Eligibility: Any person who has completed 21years of age, of good moral character shall, subject to the Bye-Laws
and Articles, be eligible for being elected as a Member of the Club.
Procedure for Election:
The Committee shall have powers to admit such number of Permanent or Life Members as may be determined by the Members of the General Body, from time to time. Such number shall be in addition to members admitted for Permanent / Life membership of the Club as per Article 7 (b) and 7(b) (i). Such members may be admitted only after completion of the ballot process.
The Committee shall also have powers to admit member’s children as Permanent / Life members as per Article 7(b)
Permanent and Life Members who have completed 10 years of Membership can apply for membership of their children in the Life/Permanent Member’s category. Such children who have completed the age of 21 but are yet to complete the age of 28 years are eligible to be considered for Permanent or Life Membership of the Club and children who have completed the age of 28 years and one day but are yet to complete 35 years are eligible to be considered only for life Membership of the Club.
The application of a Member’s child shall be proposed by the parent Member except in the case where the primary member is deceased, the application shall be proposed by any other Permanent / Life member of the Club.
After the age of 35 years, an individual whose parent is a member can apply for Permanent / Life membership of the Club. He shall have to pay fees at rates prevailing for new members as per Clause 9 (A) of the Articles of Association.:
The Membership Fees for a Permanent Member shall be Rs 20,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty lakhs) and for a New Life Member Rs 30,00,000/- (Rupees Thirty lakhs) or such other amount as may be decided by the General Body from time to time on recommendation by the Club Committee. In addition, All government levies, taxes and cess as per the prevailing law will have to be paid. The Membership fees for Permanent Membership can be paid in three equal yearly installments of Rs.7.5 Lakhs per year+ All Govt Levies, taxes and cess as per prevailing law. The first installment to be paid on being elected as a member and next two installments within 12 and 24 months there from and the Membership fees for Life membership may be payable in three equal yearly installments of Rs.11 Lakhs + All Govt levies, taxes and cess as per prevailing law. The first installment to be paid on being elected as a member and the next two installments within 12 and 24 months there from. If any installment is not paid on or before due date and the default continues for a period of 30 days after due date, the membership shall stand terminated automatically on 31st Day and the money paid till then shall stand forfeited.
Once the ballot box is opened and the applicant is elected as a member, the name of the applicant shall be entered in the members register and he / she shall be issued a membership number and will be able to avail the facilities of the Club. Subsequent to this, a bill shall be raised on the said member for payment of membership fees. In case the Member does not pay the membership fees, his membership shall stand terminated as mentioned herein.The validity of the age of the applicant will be the date of submission of the application form for the membership
The amount of Membership fees and annual subscription will be applicable as on date of submission of the application form for the membership.
In the event of a Permanent / Life member divorcing his spouse, the divorced spouse may apply for Permanent / Life membership at the rates as per Article 9 (A).
A person eligible to become a Member of the Club shall make an application for membership of the Club in the prescribed form and deliver it to the Secretary of the Club in person or through his/her Agent or by post.
The Application shall be signed by the candidate and shall be proposed and seconded by a Life or Permanent Member of the Club who has been a member for a minimum period of 10 years. (They should not have any arrears pending against their name)
Children of existing Life/Permanent Members to be elected as Permanent Members – Rs 50,000/- with effect from 1st April 2009 and from 1st April 2010 and every year thereafter these shall be a 10% increase to this category of membership fee. In addition, all government levies, taxes and cess as per the prevailing law will have to be paid.
Children of existing Life / Permanent Members, can be elected as Life Member on payment of a fee of – Rs.10,00,000/- + all government levies, taxes and cess as per the prevailing law.
A permanent member desiring to become a life member shall be required to pay an additional Membership Fee equal to the difference prevailing on the day when such a change is sought between the Membership Fee prescribed for a Permanent member and that for a Life Member.
Membership Fees for a Gymkhana Subscriber converting to Permanent Membership will be as per Article 9B (a) and the Gymkhana Subscribers on conversion opting for Life Membership will be required to pay fees as per Article 9B(b)
Life Members shall not be required to pay any annual subscription, however they will be liable to pay Annual games fees.
The Annual Subscription for Permanent Members will be as follows :-
Rs 4100/- + All Govt Levies, taxes and cess as per prevailing laws shall be in addition to the Annual games fees. The Annual Subscription and games fees may be increased by 15% after every three years by the committee. Any increase in the Annual Subscription over and above 15% mentioned hereinabove may be implemented as
per the decision of the General Body from time to time.
Annual Games Fees will be charged from all Members at the prevailing rates, irrespective of the number of games, if any, in which a member participates at Rs.600/- p.a. + All Govt Levies, taxes and cess as per prevailing laws.
Members on attaining the age of 60 years, and having 25 years of Club membership, will be granted 50% concession in the Annual subscription and Annual games fees and on attaining 75 years of age and having 25 years of Club membership, shall be exempted from paying any annual subscription. Permanent and Life members on attaining the age of 75 years and having 25 years of Club membership shall be exempted from paying Annual games fees.
Children above the age of 12 years will have to pay games fee.
The children below the age of 18 years and the spouse of a Life or Permanent Members shall be entitled to use the Club facilities without any payment towards annual subscription.
Children between 18 to 21 yrs of age will have to pay usage charges equivalent to the amount of annual subscription plus Annual games fees on due intimation by the member who is a parent of that child. The parent of the said child will be liable to pay the amount to the Club. Usage charges will continue till the individual becomes a member and till his application for membership is decided.
Member’s children above the age of 21 will not be allowed to use the Club till they make an application for membership.
Members’ children who are not eligible for Membership at the time they attain 21 years of age may be permitted to use the Club facilities by paying the amount equal to the annual subscription and games fees either till they are eligible for Club Membership or they attain 35 years of age whichever is earlier.
Change of Address, Contact No will be informed to the MRM Dept in writing.
Cost of Application form : Rs.100/-
Processing Charges; Rs.500/-
The provisions of the Articles of Association and the Bye Laws of the Club (as may be amended from time to time) will be applicable to the members of the Club.
Decision of the Managing Committee shall be final.